Sunday, August 5, 2012

I'm Going on a Mission

Well, I decided to go on a mission around November 2009. It was something that I had been contemplating, praying, and fasting about for almost 8 months. I wasn't sure if it was the right time yet ot if I should wait. But around November 2009 I received my answer... I knew I needed to go on a mission. After I had decided, everything just seemed to fall into place. The Univeristy of Arkansas agreed to hold my scholarhsip, I was at a good stopping point at school and I was getting ready to turn 21 in January. I met with my bishop and we filled out all the paper work. I got doctor appointments done and my finances in order and then submitted my papers to Salt Lake City, Utah. Then the wait was on. I had to wait about 3-4 weeks to get a big white envelope in the mail telling me where I would be serving the Lord for the next 18 months of my life.

I received my big white envelope on January 2, 2010. I remember I was running out to the mailbox to see if it was there and my little dog, Noah, bit me on the leg!! Ouch! The moment I got the mailbox I was filled with emotion.. anxious to rip it open and see what it said inside. But I wanted my family to be there. So I ran back inside and we got ready and headed to Tulsa to meet my Dad and older brother, Jordon, so we could open it together. I was so emotional.. and yet so excited! I remember opening it up and reading the letter. I could hardly believe it when I read that I would be serving an 18 month mission in Lima, Peru speaking spanish!! I was floored! Never in a million years did I think I would be leaving the US to teach the people of Peru the gospel of Jesus Christ. We were all so happy! My older brother, Jordon, had served his mission in Boston, MA and spoke spanish. My little brother, Jake, was already in Quito, Ecuador serving a 2 year mission. I was so excited to be joining him! I wasn't scheduled to leave until April 28, 2010... so I had about 4 months to get everything ready! The race was on! Since I wasn't going to be leaving super soon... I decided to take one more semester and the UofA... the was THE craziest semester of my entire life! I went throughout the semester taking mission prep, going home on weekends to get stuff ready, and trying to pass all my classes. My teachers were so amazing about it all. The last day of classes was April 28, 2010... the day I entered the MTC... which meant that finals would be held for about 2 weeks AFTER that.. well, I talked to all my teachers and asked if they would be willing to let me take their finals early. Every single one of them was fine with that... amazing!! One of my teachers (who I had for 2 classes) didn't even make me take the finals! She said I just needed to write out a summary of the chapters and that would suffice.. she said that I was doing a good thing! WOW! I was amazed at how supportive all of my teachers and friends were. I knew leaving Fayetteville, my friends, and my family was going to be very hard but I knew I needed to do it. I was just so grateful that I had so many people supporting me!

So I said goodbye to Arkansas, the UofA, Oklahoma, my friends, and my wonderful family and made my way to Provo, Utah, where I would be entering the Missionary Training Center for 9 weeks. We left a couple of days early so I could see my grandparents, aunt, and cousin. Then on Wednesday April 28, 2010 at 2pm I entered the MTC and started an adventure that literally changed my life forever.

MTC- April 28, 2010

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